Here we go again…

This time it’s a ‘War against Covid-19’. Isn’t it getting a bit cliche now that Governments, especially one in particular, are starting another war? It may not be in the ‘traditional’ sense, but now we have another apparent conflict that we need to unite together against – except in this situation being together is the worst thing to do!

Yes, we have a global health issue on our hands, and now an economic one too. Rather than claim it as being a ‘war against something’, can we see this for what it is – a health issue, perhaps a crisis, that exists inside of us. We do after all, have control over our health.

We can follow the guidelines for better hygiene, hand washing, avoiding social contact, and even staying in lock down if that’s what’s required. Can we play a part in making this situation better one person at a time or even one family at a time?

So long as we are waging a war against something, it implies that someone wins. I’m not sure how anyone is going to win with this virus, so instead, why don’t we turn down some drama and focus on our own good health instead?

When we live in fear – especially of something outside of us that might ‘get us’ – we sabotage our own immune system. The energy and the energetic vibration that we have in our body when fear is present is much lower than the energy we have when we’re in good health. Thinking positive is more powerful than its given credit for.

Living with extreme stress and fear is a guaranteed way of lowering your resistance to becoming sick. It takes some work, but looking after yourself on a physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual level will help you to stay healthy and do your part in taking responsibility for reducing the spread of sickness.

Here’s what you can do (that the guidelines are not suggesting):

– catch up on some much needed sleep

– make the most of having your calendar cleared for you

– try your hand at meditating to find some peace of mind

– keep moving, even if the gym is closed!

– watch movies or shows that make you laugh

– limit yourself to how much ‘Covid reporting’ you see/hear

each day

– be grateful for at least 3 things every day, more if you can

– maybe even start to read the book that you were saving for vacation!

It’s very easy to get sucked in to everything that is going on at the moment – I am having to watch myself everyday to resist finding out what’s happening locally and around the world. It’s very compelling viewing and beyond anything we’ve experienced before.

I’m sending you and your family lots of love and healthy upbeat energy! Please feel free to pass it on!

Lindsay de Swart
Lindsay de Swart

Lindsay has worked with women for 16 years to help them ignite or rekindle their 'inner spark' and courage. She is an Energy Medicine Practitioner, Life Coach and Hypnotherapist. She's the mother of 3 teenagers, a wife, daughter, sister and life long lover of outdoor adventures. You'll often find her with Penny (her horse), Otto and Ella (their dogs), skiing or paddle boarding, depending on the season! She now loves coaching and hosting transformational retreats for amazing women in their midlife, most empowered years.

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