In the midst of everything that we’re going through, have you taken time to imagine what you want your new normal to be?
It’s true that you can’t control it all, but you can have a hand in it – you can decide what parts of lockdown you like in your life, and what you may want to try and maintain.
You can also decide what you absolutely do not want to let back in to your routine!
It was easy living on ‘autopilot’, when everything was so busy and you were just trying to keep your head above water. It wasn’t fun, but we gradually got into the habit of running round like headless chickens! That was just normal wasn’t it?
That’s not the case now.
No matter what you may say about being forced to stay at home, ‘waking up’ to life is one of the benefits that no one expected!
Over many years of coaching, the main reason that people don’t create something better, or go after a goal or dream – is due to lack of time.
Thankfully, the world went on pause so now there is time.
What changed for you that if you had to go back to the ‘old days’, you wouldn’t want to give up?
Is it: – getting more exercise in your day?
– working from home and not commuting?
– not using the car as much?
– shopping locally?
– making do with what’s in the fridge instead of shopping more frequently?
– saving money by not eating out as often?
– lack of multiple deadlines?
– speaking with and helping neighbours?
– catching up with an old friend?
So, instead of diving into Netflix again – I think I’ve watched more movies than the last 10 years put together – why not grab a journal and start to design your ‘new normal’ life.
No one can tell you what the new normal is, because no matter what they say, no one knows for sure. So if ever you were going to design your future…now is the time.